
Top 10: The best psychological thrillers

The psychological thriller weaves a story that emphasizes the psychology of its characters and their unstable emotional states. This is a film that also involves our brains, not just our senses. It gets under our skin and builds tension on what we just saw. The list we have prepared includes the best psychological thrillers that should be the benchmark for aspiring films. Here are some of the best psychological thrillers.

1. Silence of the Lambs (1991)

We start the list with one of the best psychological thrillers that introduced the world to one of the most terrifying, intelligent and low-key characters in film history: Dr. Hannibal Lecter.

2. Rear Window (1954)

Professional photographer LB "Jeff" Jeffries spends his time in his apartment in New York, watching his neighbor through the window. He soon begins to suspect that his neighbor has murdered his wife. Jeff asks girlfriend Lisa Freeont and nurse Stella for help in his research. Great acting, great cinematography and lots and lots of suspense and uncertainty.

3. Se7en – Seven (1995)

The thriller depicts the heroics of a displaced serial killer. His perverse purpose involves choosing seven victims to represent the deadly sins or the seven deadly sins. The murderer sees himself as God's sword that can execute a terrible punishment on these sinners. Anyone who sees this film cannot deny the psychological thrill of waiting for the next punishment for sin.

4. Memento (2000)

The film Memento is a chronicle of two different stories of former insurance investigator Leonard, who can no longer build new memories. The last thing he remembers is killing his wife. One story moves the film forward, while the other story turns back time, each time revealing something more. It's not just an exciting film - it's a smart film that keeps us in suspense the entire time.

5. The Usual Suspects (1995)

After the explosion, an eyewitness and participant Verbal tells the story of the events that led to the disaster. The story begins when five men are lined up at the police station. Although the film is set in a modern setting, it has quite a few elements of a movie from the 1940s plus, of course, tension, intrigue and many twists and turns on a seemingly straight road.

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6. Rosemary's Baby (1968)

The most high-profile part of the trilogy, in which Mia Farrow and John Cassavetes shine as husband and wife. Excited by their new surroundings, Rosemary and Guy decide to have a baby. Throughout her pregnancy, Rosemary engages in bizarre behavior and begins to question those close to her, including her husband Guy; Rosemary thinks that everyone has evil intentions for her unborn child. Can Rosemary save the baby and her sanity, or is it all just a cruel illusion and a mind trick?

7. Les Diaboliques (1955)

The black-and-white French masterpiece from the hands of director Clouzot takes place in a boarding school owned by the vulnerable Christina and managed by her repressive husband Michel with his mistress, the controlling teacher Nicole. The closeness and trust between the two women gives birth to a plan that will take care of the tyrant Michel. However, the story quickly takes a mysterious turn.

8. Fatal Attraction (1987)

Happily married lawyer Dan Callagher gets involved in an affair with his roommate Alex and spends a romantic weekend with her. But Alex won't let Dan go so easily and will do anything to keep him to herself. How far will she go to get what she wants?

9. Shutter Island (2010)

In 1954, Teddy Daniels investigates the disappearance of a dangerous female assassin and a patient from an island hospital. She wonders if this might be part of a twisted game played by the island's medical staff, and soon begins to question her partner, her memory, and her own mental health.

10. American Psycho (2000)

Patrick Bateman is handsome, well educated and intelligent. He is twenty-seven years old and living his American dream. At night, he descends into madness and experiments with fear and violence.

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