Criminal is a tense action thriller with an intriguing story. It revolves around an ethically questionable project by the US government, which implants the memories, abilities and secrets of a deceased CIA agent (Ryan Reynolds) into a condemned criminal (Kevin Costner) in order to complete an important mission and prevent a catastrophe of global proportions.
Criminal Mind (Criminal) is the story of a good man in the body of a criminal. The film by Israeli director Ariel Vromen has alongside Kevin Costner (Dances with Wolves, Mr. Brooks, Agent Jack Ryan) and Ryan Reynolds (Green Lantern, Deadpool) many other first-rate actors.
They are also on the list of players Tommy Lee Jones (The Fugitive, Men in Black 1, 2 and 3), Gary Oldman (The Rise of the Dark Knight, The Boilermaker, The Tailor, The Soldier, The Spy) – it is the second collaboration of the trio after the 1991 film JFK, Gal Gadot (Fast and Furious 6 and 7, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice), Alice Eve (Star Trek: Into Darkness, Men in Black 3) and Antje Traue (The Woman in Gold, Man of Steel).
READ MORE: Movie premiere: Passage (2016)
You are the one who loves a better movie gift action, car chases, raining bullets and intrigues, for April, when the film also hits Slovenian screens, we couldn't wish for more.