
Movie Trailer: Loving (2016)

Movie Love (2016)

Loving is a mid-20th century biographical drama by Jeff Nichols – based on the 2011 documentary The Loving Story – about interracial couple Richard and Mildred Loving. In Virginia, where they lived, it was against the law at the time. The film is an ode to a loving couple who set a new milestone in the fight for civil rights in the United States with their silent fight for justice. The film received a standing ovation at its premiere at the Cannes Film Festival.

The movie Loving is based on real events Jeff Nichols (Mud, Take Shelter). It tells the story of the Loving couple, who are different races. Nothing special, you will say. But only if you don't take into account that the year is written 1958, when she was in Virginia, where they live, interracial marriage prohibited by law.

Joel Edgerton and Ruth Negga in the historical drama Loving.
Joel Edgerton and Ruth Negga in the historical drama Loving

For years, Richard and Mildred Loving fought for the right to live as a family in their hometown. In 1967, they succeeded in doing so by abolishing the law. "They were not martyrs, nor did they want to be. They were not symbols, they did not want to be. They were two people in love who wanted to be together and with their family," explains Nichols.

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Real Spouse Loving.
Real Spouse Loving

Their story goes like this. When white-skinned Richard Loving (Joel Edgerton) and black Mildred Reter (Ruth Negga) get married in 1958 – spurred on by pregnancy – and upset the Virginia state authorities. In those days, their decision was, as said, against the law. That's why the authorities have them shortly after the wedding, they were arrested and thrown into prison, and then there were more expelled from the country. They take refuge with relatives in Washington and initiate legal proceedings against Virginia. When their case reaches Supreme Court, it is no longer just a question of their residence, but of rights of all mixed-race couples in the United States.

Gallery - highlights from the movie Loving:

Info Box

Biographical drama
(USA, 2017)
Direction: Jeff Nichols. They play: Joel Edgerton, Ruth Negga, Marton Csokas, Nick Kroll, Terri Abney, Alano Miller, Jon Bass, Michael Shannon.

On the regular cinema schedule from February 2, 2017. New Year's preview December 31, 2016 at 6 p.m. in Ljubljana's Kinodvor.

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