
Mysterious facts that prove how amazing the female body is

In ancient Greece, women were believed to be a special species, different from men - their bodies were supposed to be different, they were supposed to have different virtues. Many secrets from that time have been preserved to this day and researchers have deciphered them - these are mysterious facts that prove how amazing the female body is.

Despite the fact that we live in more modern ones times, many have been preserved mysteries, associated with women's bodies. We found many researches, which will decipher each secret.

Mysterious facts about the female body…

Morning sickness is supposed to be good.

Scientists from the University of Colorado they found that it was morning sickness during pregnancy is the result of the body's fight against toxins, which could possibly infect an embryo. It's supposed to be nausea meant also that it is a child strong and there is less likely, in order to occur abortion.

Women can tolerate high tones more easily.

Since childhood women can tolerate high tones more easily. A mother can tell the cry of his week-old baby from other babies. This skill is also useful in recognizing when the person is lyinga woman can recognize any change in voice, which arises at lying.

Women are 'smarter'.

Men's brains are said to be larger, and women are expected to reach for 3 percent better scores on intelligence tests. Because of the different structure cerebellum they are women more successful at multitasking ‒ this area of the brain is said to have approx 30 percent more nerve connections.

Birth control pills are said to affect attractiveness.
Birth control pills are said to affect attractiveness.

The X chromosome is responsible for the immune system.

Scientists from the University of Ghent have found that the X chromosome, which is responsible for determining the female sex of the child, has more micro-RNA ‒ this one should strengthen the immune system and reduce the risk of cancer.

Women get over the disease more easily.

Maya Saleh she found that it was estrogen, which is in women more present than in men, responsible for suppression of the inflammatory process, which means that women cope with diseases faster and easier. Estrogen as well it slows down the aging of the body, so women are more likely to live longer.

PMS changes over the years.
PMS changes over the years.

PMS changes over the years.

The probability that a woman would have PMS is the largest in the teenage years and after the age of 40 ‒ that's when the biggest things should happen hormonal changes. PMS is said to be expressed in headaches, skin changes and muscle pain.

Birth control pills are said to affect attractiveness.

Scientists they found that men rather arouse, if it is a woman fertile ‒ in the sense that no uses contraceptives that would inhibit fertilization. They get excited about smell.

A woman is equally aroused by the thought of food or a partner.

V female brain will beilluminated' the same part of the brain, when she thinks of food or partner. This should be even more pronounced during pregnancy.

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