
Myth or reality: Why do women visually age faster than men?

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Photo: envato elements

There is a flag of wonderful cosmic dissonance flying in the air, which we women all over the world find it hard to bear. Men as impossible creatures - certainly not only in our opinion - somehow manage to successfully resist the gravity of time, while we women seem to be all too often behind in this race against time. But is it really so? Let's delve into this mysterious question: Why do women seem to visually age faster than men? Is this just a myth or a harsh reality?

Let's start with a premise. Beauty, as the wisdom of our grandparents teaches us, is in the eye of the beholder. However, in a society where aging is treated as an unnecessary inconvenience rather than celebrated as a precious journey, this message is hard to accept. And let's face it, some men like Idris Elba or Brad Pitt, regardless of their age, they always look like real chocolate cakes - sweet, attractive and always good for a bite. So what's the secret? Why do women visually age faster than men?

Even if we set aside societal norms and expectations, science agrees that there are biological differences in how men and women age. And this sci-fi story features criminals we avoid, like sugar in tea after afternoon tea – hormones. We know that estrogen hormones are allies of women's skin, they help it maintain moisture and firmness. However, when their levels begin to drop during menopause, the skin begins to lose its firmness and elasticity.

Men, on the other hand, have more collagen and thicker skin. It's like having a private pension fund for your skin, because of which they do not have to worry so much about "grey hair". But let's be honest, gray hair on a man often looks even more attractive - which is completely unfair!

Photo: envato elements

Why do women visually age faster than men?!

So if we look purely biological, you could say that a myth is not a myth. But wait, don't get excited just yet! There is another part to the story. In fact, we should ask what it means to age 'faster'. If we focus only on wrinkles and sagging skin, we might come up with worrying conclusions. But, beauties, it's important to remember that beauty is a multi-faceted story, where with age we can also develop different but equally powerful types of attraction.

Some of them men they may wear wrinkles with a kind of untouchable grace, but women often gain charisma, wisdom, and confidence as they age, which can exude a powerful allure. After all, do any of us really prefer an unripe wine to a mature one that has gained flavor and depth with age? It is true that we lose some freshness as we age, but we gain much more if we appreciate it. Our eyes fill with stories, our hearts harden, and we become like that old oak tree in the forest—maybe a bit weathered, but still beautiful and full of life.

The question of whether women visually age faster than men is perhaps too unequivocal. Aging is a multifaceted process that can be measured using different criteria. The skin may lose its youthful freshness more quickly, but this is not the only aspect to consider. But what about mental maturity, life wisdom or inner peace that comes from accepting yourself? Aren't these the things we want to admire and celebrate?

As bohemians, we must learn to celebrate aging, not fear it. Don't forget that there are those in our society who have started to change the way they look at aging. We are the ones who have shown that gray hair can be beautiful, that wrinkles can be a symbol of wisdom and that aging is actually beautiful. The power is in our hands to turn this myth into a reality that suits us - aging can also be beautiful. We just have to remember that we are more than our skin. We are women - beings full of depth, wisdom and beauty in all its forms.

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