
Nail biting: 6 ways to stop biting your nails

How to stop biting your nails?

Photo: envato

How to stop biting your nails? One of the common "ugly" habits is nail biting. Research shows that almost 30 percent of people do this - and most want to stop. In this way, your nails look anything but beautiful, and your risk of skin infections and the transfer of bacteria and viruses also increases. That's why we have prepared 6 ways to give up this unhealthy habit - how to stop biting your nails? So how to stop biting your nails.

You want too stop biting your nails? Then follow the tips below!

Scientists are actually still trying to figure out what makes you human they bite their nails. But they know it's a habit for many of us: about 20 to 30 percent of the population bites their nails, including up to 45 percent of teenagers.

  • How do I stop biting my nails?
  • Ways to stop biting your nails.
  • Nail biting - how to stop?

1. Find the cause

The first step in breaking any bad habit is to find it the cause, that you even started with it. Do you do this when you nervous, under stress or simple bored? It is important that these feelings by yourself recognize and then make a conscious decision, so you won't bite your nails, that is you control your hands and mouth. It also helps to do something about negative emotions deep breaths, shift your attention to something else or else confuse with music, film, conversation...
If you think that the cause lies very deep or that you are unable to stop biting your nails, you can also think about talk to an expert.

You need to recognize negative feelings and face them Photo: Rodnae Productions / Pexels

2. Keep your hands busy

If your hands employees, you won't be able to bite your nails. That's why it's a great idea to find activity, at which you will be used hands, but at the same time it will diverted yours attention. These can be different hand work, knitting, petting animals or even House chores. One of the ideas is also so-called stress ball, which you can also take with you to work and use when you don't have time for other tasks.

3. Use your mouth too

In addition to deadlines, it is also good to employ mouth. The easiest way to do this is with chewing gum or menthol candies. In stressful moments, you can treat yourself instead of biting your nails a healthy snack: nuts, fruits or vegetables.

Swap nail biting for a healthy snack Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

4. Put on gloves or bandages

Gloves and patches you won't be able to wear them in every situation, but they can be a great solution for the stressful moments you're going through at home.
This method is considered very effective because most people start biting their nails subconsciously, but they immediately realize what they're doing when their lips meet the "obstacle".

5. Your nails should be short - or long and neat

Because we are different from each other, they are variously effective also methods to overcome unhealthy habits. It helps some to wear very short nails and thereby ensure that there is "material" that could be bitten into less, while others learn self-control through long ones, manicured nails.
If you have spent money on the beautiful appearance of your nails a lot of time or subtract a nice one the amount in the salon, it will be yours motivation, so you don't bite them, bigger.

Well-groomed nails can be your motivation to break a bad habit Photo: Element5 Digital / Unsplash

6. Apply unpleasant-tasting nail polish

If you are doing your nails, a special one is also an excellent choice varnish with an unpleasant taste. His bitter taste it will discourage you from ever bringing your nails closer to your taste buds. Because it's varnish colorless, is also suitable for any occasion.

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