
It will be hard to say no to nails with a tortoise shell pattern!

It will be hard to say no to nails with a tortoise shell pattern!

The tiger or snake pattern can slowly say goodbye as the turtle, which is otherwise considered to be slow, has finally arrived in the fashion world. And she conquered him. Not only on fashion items, but also on our nails will be a tortoiseshell pattern, with which we will end this year in (fashionable) style.

Tortoiseshell glasses and jewelry (snakes or tiger) were long years a hit in the fashion world. Then they did fashion critics were disgusted by animal patterns, saying that they look like you appreciated. The year 2018 can be considered as a turning point in the fashion world, because they are our favorite patterns get the green light again. And as we can see, everything is in the sign of snakes, tigers and turtles. Ours too manicure, which we can just do at home.

For beginners who do not have much experience with manicure, nails with a tortoiseshell pattern will be loved even more. All you need are autumn shades of varnishes (brown, black, gold). Each paint color after apply to the nail, Yes a colorful pattern is created. The image gallery has ideas, which can be of inspiration to you.

Image Gallery - Tortoiseshell Nails

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