
The Biggest Celebrity Photoshop Mistakes of 2015

Največji Photoshop faili leta 2015

You would probably expect that in 2015, celebrities would at least be able to use Photoshop and have learned something from history. But all the slip-ups in Photoshop from the past clearly didn't teach them, because even in 2015 we caught quite a few celebrities who more than obviously (clumsily) used Photoshop in their photos and tried to keep it quiet. But the hawk eye of the web notices everything. We present to you celebrities and fashion brands that we caught manipulating photos in 2015.

Photoshop je močno orodje, če ga znamo pravilno uporabljali. Te obrti se mora izučiti še marsikateri star and star, ki, čeprav se piše že leto 2015, še vedno delajo osnovnošolske napake in se jim pri uporabi Photoshopa dogajajo spodrsljaji, ki so preprosto nedopustni.

READ MORE: Photoshop celebrates 25 years

A Photoshop spodrsljaji se niso pripetili samo zvezdnikom, ki so popravljene fotografije objavljali na Instagramu in Facebooku, pri nespretni uporabi Photoshopa smo letos zasačili tudi take mojstre manipulacije, kot sta modni znamki Victoria’s Secret in Calvin Klein. Pripravite pokovko in si oglejte največje napake pri uporabi Photoshopa v letu 2015.

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