
New GMC Hummer EV – Godzilla Returns

Photo: GMC

Hummer has always turned heads, and the GMC brand is aware of this, as it reincarnated the "godzilla" of the road and gave it a new chance.

Hummer has always meant something special on the road and it will be no different under the GMC brand. The latter preserved its design originality, equipped it with new technologies and a multitude of innovations with which this compact SUV will set new standards in the future. OFF-ROAD standards. In the foreground is the electric drive, which transmits around 830 electric horses to the road, enabling this mass of the car to accelerate from 0 to 100 km/h in a pinch 3.5 seconds. There is a 4-wheel steering of the car, which allows the new Hummer to turn practically no place, or rather it only needs to 10 meter radius. It can also drive crosswise in crab mode, crawling across the terrain in a completely innovative and unique way. But the off-road possibilities do not end there. The Hummer can undoubtedly boast the best entry and exit angle of any off-road vehicle. This means that you will be able to drive it up the "stairs" or jump over the neighbor's escarpment without any problems. You will be able to control the Hummer on the terrain with only one pedal, which uniquely integrates the brake system with the gas pedal and enables filigree movement on challenging terrain.

It's not just an SUV, it's a car for real hedonists. They will be able to choose from more than 200 accessories with which the humer will be abundantly personalized. He is interesting roof concept, which in this way is standard on all models and was named "Infinity roof". The latter can be removed and the panels stored in the luggage compartment. With this, you get the experience of driving in the open air for true primal off-road sensations. The interior is also special, a leap into the future, as befits an electric vehicle. The center console is dominated by a huge screen, which is complemented by a smart design of classic car elements, of course with an emphasis on adventure.

Hummer Edition 1, which will be a fully stocked model, will be available at the beginning of 2023, and more affordable models will follow already in the first half of the year. And the price? Hummer in the basic version will cost calculated 67,000 euros. Americans can already reorder it.

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