
Norway has achieved a record number of newly registered electrified vehicles - they are already up to 80 percent

Norway will obviously be one of the first countries where conventional vehicles will disappear from car showrooms, as in the month of September 2020 the share of new registered electrified vehicles exceeded 80 percent and thus once again reached record values.

How much Slovenes we lag behind in sustainable mobility and e-mobility for the Scandinavian nations, according to the data on the number of all registered electric vehicles in Slovenia, which for 2019 eloquently says that we had no registered joint threads 2,000 electric vehicles. Here, it is necessary to take into account the fact that there are 1,165,000 registered cars in Slovenia. (source: stats.si) In recent years, the growth trend of electric vehicle sales has been favorable, but still light years for e-mobility-friendly nations. Those nations that have included sustainable development and attitude towards the world in their vision.

September 2020 was on Norway an extremely strong and quite interesting month for sales electric cars and plug-in hybrids, as several models recorded very high record results. Thus, they recorded a new record for the market share of electric vehicles on a monthly basis, which amounted to 81.6 percent! Unbelievable! Apparently, conventional cars will soon be almost completely obliterated from sight Norwegians.

The growth in sales of electric and plug-in hybrids can also be attributed to some new models. Brand new Volkswagen ID.3 unsurprisingly, it became the best-selling model in Norway in September (1,000 units were sold in the middle of the month), because people pre-ordered it en masse. ID.3 so recorded 1,989 new registrations, which amounts to a card 12.8 percent of all cars registered this month!

The next two models to follow are Tesla Model 3 (1.116), which proved that it can still be very powerful, and another brand new car, Polestar 2 (937). Even the Audi e-tron, with more than 500 units and the Hyundai Kona, which almost sold out 500 times.

Save money in the long run with an electric car!

This time he was Audi e-tron really lower on the list, but this electric SUV is still the best-selling model of the year by far 7,690 registrations.

Slovenes somehow lag behind the northern nations in terms of standard of living. But this is not the (main) reason why we are lagging behind e-mobility for more than 100 times. The reasons lie deeper in society itself, which has systematically failed to inculcate an attitude towards nature and an awareness of the fact that each individual is responsible for our planet. Because this awareness is part of the system and sustainable philosophies of the northern nations. Therefore, it is not surprising that the latter are ready to cut deeper into the wallet, when it comes to the question of the future of our planet!

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