
Nostradamus predicts a scary year for 2021!

Comets, famine, earthquakes, solar storms...

Did you think 2020 was a terrible year? Wait for 2021! Well, at least according to the predictions made by Nostradamus for 2021.

Who is Nostradamus? Is he really the greatest prophet to ever live on Earth or is he just an intelligent con artist taking advantage of naive readers? Below you can read what Nostradamus predicts for 2021 or what are the interpretations of his verses. The understanding of his predictions is completely up to you, we are only summarizing them and in no way claim that they should be taken seriously!

A famine of biblical proportions

Among other things, Nostradamus is said to have predicted that the first signs of the end of the world will be famine, earthquakes, various diseases and epidemics, which are increasingly common these days. The coronavirus pandemic is only the beginning of a series of adverse events that will affect the population. The famine expected to arrive in 2021 is the likes of which the world has not yet faced. A massive catastrophe will throw us back into history, and a large part of the world's population will not be able to overcome this curse.

As of 2020, after 248 years, Saturn in Capricorn has joined forces with Pluto, also in Capricorn, which is set to change the fate of the world. Namely, Saturn in Capricorn is responsible for social hierarchy, state power, authority, functions and status, and in conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn, the planet of death, destruction and renewal, is supposed to trigger the aforementioned hunger.

The comet will fall to Earth, or at least come very close to it

This event is said to cause earthquakes and other natural disasters, as we can infer from the verse: "Fire and a long trail of sparks can be seen in the sky."

Another interpretation of this verse claims that it refers to a large asteroid that will fall to Earth. When it enters the Earth's atmosphere, it will heat up and appear in the sky as a great fire. Also NASA announced, that it is likely that a similar event awaits us in the coming years. An asteroid called JF1 may hit Earth on May 6, 2022, and by that date NASA is expected to come up with an analysis of its path. Scientists say the asteroid has an impact force of 230 kilotons of TNT explosive force, which is 15 times more than the nuclear bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945.

We are threatened by a comet or an asteroid.

Muslims will rule the world

"The Big Camel will come to drink in the Danube and the Rhine without repenting: those along the Rhone will tremble, even more so those along the Loire..."

"Camel" is supposed to be the Arab population living all over Europe, especially in France and Germany, or the wave of immigrants who are currently at the door of our continent. Demographic experts also warn that Muslims will conquer the EU in the coming decades without resorting to violence. On the one hand, due to the large number of immigrants and refugees, and on the other hand, due to the fact that we Europeans are having fewer and fewer children.

Solar storms

2021 will be a very important year in terms of major global events. This is how large solar storms are supposed to occur, which could cause greater damage to the Earth.

A devastating earthquake will hit California

According to Nostradamus's writings, California is expected to be destroyed by an extremely strong earthquake in 2021: “The tilting park, the great calamity through the western lands and Lombardy, the fire on the ship, the pestilence and the captivity; Mercury in Sagittarius, Saturn fading.” So Nostradamus is said to have predicted that the "western lands" will be hit by a great earthquake, and California is said to be the logical place where this will happen. According to astrologers, "Mercury in Sagittarius, Saturn fading" will be the day when the planets Mars and Saturn will be in this position in the sky, November 25, 2021.

California is threatened with a devastating earthquake.

American soldiers will have chips in their brains

American soldiers are supposed to turn into some kind of cyborgs in order to save the human race. This chip is supposed to provide us with the necessary digital intelligence that will advance beyond the limits of biological intelligence. This could mean embedding artificial intelligence into our bodies and brains.

Pope Francis should bring the church closer to the people

No matter how many years Pope Francis remains head of the Catholic Church, he will leave behind a gracious and deeply impressive legacy. The church will thus become a "lifeboat" for more and more people. "We must take care of everyone, especially the poorest, the weakest, the least important, the hungry, the thirsty, the stranger, the naked, the sick, and those in prison," said Pope Francis.

Michel de Nostredame, better known as Nostradamus, was a French physician and astrologer who lived in the 16th century. He differed from ordinary people in that he was said to have the ability to "see into the future". He is said to have looked into a bowl filled with water and while observing the liquid "received" a vision of the future. Thus, he predicted many future events, some of which actually happened. He wrote his first book, Les Propheties, in 1555, and reprints are still being printed today.

Over a period of three years, Nostradamus wrote more than 900 quatrains with prophecies for the future. As much as 70 percent of the prophecies are said to have come true to date. He predicted the reign of Napoleon, World War II, the rise of Hitler, the assassination of John F. Kennedy, and the moon landing. In one of his four lines, Fr "fire in the sky", "a new city", "tremendous lightning" and "two brothers who will be separated by chaos". Many scholars who have analyzed these lines have come to the conclusion that Nostradamus predicted September 11, 2001 with this.

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