
Nutella Café: the first restaurant dedicated to Nutella

Nutella is one of those things that we can't hate (even though we often hear that it's not the best choice for our health). We eat it 'on a spoon', spread it on bread, and also include it in various snacks and desserts. Ferrero will thus open a Nutella Café in Chicago at the end of May, where they will serve salty and sweet delicacies, the main ingredient of which will naturally be Nutella.

V Nutella Café we can expect traditional dishes with Nutella, such as fruit and Nutella fondue, as well as more unique treats such as Liege Waffle, made from brioche and caramelized sugar and sprinkled with pearl sugar. Among other things, they are waiting for us croissants with Nutella, apple pie topped with Nutella dressing and sprinkled with hazelnuts, and we could go on and on.


Liege Waffle
Liege Waffle

The restaurant will also serve dishes without Nutella, including eggs with bacon and leeks, sandwiches with ham and cheese and egg etc.
Could there be a better reason to visit Chicago?

Gallery - What will be served at the Nutella Café?

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