
Octopus Watch v2: a smart children's watch

A full-fledged smartwatch would be an exaggeration. That's why octopus has prepared a children's watch that your little one will understand and know how to use. But it will serve as an excellent motivator for cultivating good habits.

Octopus Watch v2 is a smart children's watch that has customized functions, because it would a regular smart watch offered absolutely too many features. Octopus tries helping children develop good habits, independence and an understanding of how time passes.

It works with an app that allows parents to set up a schedule and then remind the child when an activity is on the schedule. He uses via instead of the words 2000 pictograms – you icons, which they also understand non-readers. There's also a built-in fitness tracker to encourage kids to stay active. The plug-in charger of the watch, or rather the stand - in the shape of an octopus - is a cute night light at night.

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