
A once 16-year-old boy has been walking to a desolate island for 40 years to plant one tree a day... and today the place is unrecognizable

A once 16-year-old boy has been walking to a desolate island for 40 years to plant one tree .. and today the place is unrecognizable.

The largest river island in the world, Majuli, could have disappeared if a 16-year-old boy, Jadav, had not started his life's mission 40 years ago: to save the island from erosion by planting trees. He planted 550 hectares of forest!

The river island of Majuli has shrunk by more than half in the past 70 years, so environmentalists predicted that will be completely submerged in the next 20 years. It is in constant danger due to constant soil erosion. From year In 1991, more than 35 villages were withdrawn for security reasons. Indian authorities tried to figure out how to save the island, but the life of the island would be significantly shorter, if it weren't for one local environmental activist and hero.

It was in 1979 16 years old Jadav Payeng first encountered this island when he saw it a large number of snakes that died due to excessive heat and drought. This scene is Jadav encouraged to a life's mission, to save Majuli from erosion by planting trees. He tirelessly walked every day and still goes to the island and plant one tree, today it amounts to 550 hectares of forest, which is more than Central Park in New York (340 hectares).

Jadav Payeng, the man who planted the forest.
Jadav Payeng, the man who planted the forest.

The forest that Jadav created with his own hands is now a home Bengal tigers, an Indian rhinoceros and a herd of elephants, who regularly visit the island every year. They heard about his heroism all over the world, so they created documentary Forest Man of India.

That's what it looks like 'his' forest today.

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