
One day you will meet someone with whom you will feel as if you have found your home

Photo: Unsplash

"Home is where the heart is." - Unknown author

One day you will meet someone with whom you will not only want to spend a few moments, a night, but you will look forward to waking up and sharing your morning with them. This person will be different because only they will be able to break through your armor of pain.

She will look into your eyes and know exactly when you are lying, what you are thinking and feeling before you even say anything. There will be a connection between you that you will never understand. But you'll be lucky to have met someone who can share that inexplicable connection with you.

She will let you into her world. They will learn your secrets.

You will talk about dreams and ambitions like you never have before. You will talk about your disappointments and fears that you didn't even know you had. You will talk about insecurities and mistakes, because this person will be someone who will not blame you for anything, will not judge or scold you.

This will be the person who will break through all the walls you have built around yourself. You will learn emotions you never knew you could feel, that you could love like this. You know they're not perfect. But regardless, your mistakes come together in such a way that everything has a purpose and a meaning.

Home is where the heart is.
Home is where the heart is.

It seems to you that you feel many things differently now, that you look and observe through different eyes. You cannot take away the pain of the past from the person you are with, you want to prevent it from happening to them in the future. You see your future.

One day you realize the feeling that if something happened to them, it would happen to you - scary. You know that they are important, that you want them in your life. You know they are. You realize you need them by your side—now.

And that is something that many who have not loved will not understand. They don't need to understand. They don't need to accept it. Because you have it in you. Love. Feeling. Feelings. Think about someone you look up to with complete trust. A person with whom you feel as if you have found your home.

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