
Potatoes have sprouted: can we still eat them?

Photo: envato

Did your potatoes sprout? Then you have to be careful. Germinating tubers that sprout may contain a toxic substance. Therefore, it is necessary to learn and recognize, the one that is still edible and the one that you have to throw away.

Potatoes are among the most popular food in the world, they produce about 300 million tons of it per year. It is hard to believe that potatoes can actually be classified as poisonous plants. The sprouting tubers in which it is produced can be harmful to health alkaloid solanine.

If the potatoes are kept in a dark and cool place, they will stay fresh longer. But since we mostly keep potatoes in the apartment, where I can't put them in the cold, they germinate faster.

What should you pay attention to when you see tubers?

As long as the potatoes have sprouted and the sprouts are short and there are not many of them, then you can eat the potatoes, because there are not many substances in them that would cause symptoms of poisoning.

When should you not eat potatoes?

If the sprouts are large and the potato around them is soft and wrinkled, it is very likely that it contains the substance solanine, so it is best not to eat it. As long as the potato is still hard and hasn't changed its shape, you can still eat it. If the sprouts and potatoes are green, it is necessary to remove these parts, as they are dangerous to health.

Signs of poisoning:

  • burning sensation in the throat
  • headache
  • fatigue
  • weakness
  • vomiting
  • stomach ache
  • severe diarrhea
  • elevated temperature

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