
Open relationship: what to do if the partner wants to leave the options open?

Photo: Cottonbro / Pexels

In recent years, we have noticed how much the world of dating and getting to know each other has changed. If it used to be considered that the person who invites us to spend time together has a desire for a serious relationship, now it happens that this is not necessarily the case. Before making a final commitment, many people want to keep their options open - that is, go on dates with several different people. But how do you react if the person you're dating tells you they want to keep their options open?

When we start with someone see regularly, we usually meet a wide variety of people questions: is this the person we see in of the future? Get dressed their personalities match? How feels he?
That's why it's always a good sign if the person we're dating is dating, regarding their own desire and honest expectations and clear. However, sometimes honesty means hearing something we might we didn't expect: one possibility is that he tells us that he wants to leave open options.

Wondering if your chosen one feels the same way? Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

Questions to ask yourself

In the world getting to know each other and dating expression "right" and "wrong" they don't exist. We are humans with each other different and something from which themselves we would not deviate, may seem completely irrelevant to someone else. Likewise, too relations we perceive in different ways: some are ready to let themselves go into a relationship very quick, while others first want to make sure that they are really with the chosen one compatible.
So what should you do? to ask, if someone expresses desire, to still go to dating– even though he's already dating you? First, of course, you have to to reconsider, how such an arrangement would suit you. If you think so normal, that you won't be in the first weeks of getting to know each other "loyal", then it is logical that you will not have similar wishes of the chosen one messed up. But if knowing that he was seeing others, they would feel uncomfortable, it is imperative that your feelings and doubts express. You must not forget that you do not no need to land to an agreement that would you disturbed or hurt.

Be honest about your preferences on a date Photo: Jodie Louise / Pexels

What should you do if you accept such an agreement?

If you are such a deal accepted, then it is necessary to follow it as well you act. That means all yours attention, energy and time don't give to a person who isn't sure that your relationship will develop into something more. Of course it is possible, that this also happens, but do not direct it in any way all your hopes.
We suggest that you have in this case open options for you too, which means don't miss other opportunities. Focus on your own goals, hobbies and friendships, but by no means spend time at questioning, how would the chosen one prepared, to spend time only with you.
If you eventually find that you such an arrangement does not answer or are you ready to the next step, and your chosen one these wishes it doesn't show, it is imperative that you are about your feelings sincere. It would be a shame to have your own valuable time and energy intended for a person whose wishes match yours they don't match.

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