
Do you leave the key in the lock when you lock the front door? Don't do that at all!

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Photo: envato

Do you think that leaving the key in the front door lock will prevent thieves from breaking into the house?

Most people lock the front door at night and leave the key in the lock, because they believe that this gives them extra security and makes it more difficult for thieves to break in. However, the truth is quite different.

Photo: envato

Locking the door to protect against burglary is one of the basic measures to protect your home and property. Many believe they can the key in the lock further strengthens security and prevent burglary, but this is not true. Burglars are usually extremely skilled and resourceful in using tools and methods that allow them to break into houses and apartments quickly and easily.

One of the ways in which a burglar can use the key in the lock is the so-called method "lock bumping", which is often used for this purpose. In this method, the burglar uses a special lock that allows him to use less force and vibrations of the key in the lock to trick the lock and break into the interior.

Ensure safety. Photo: George Becker / Pexels

Another way a burglar can break into a front door is to use two pieces of wire that thieves can use to lock the key in the lock. With the first piece, the burglar locks the key in the lock so that it remains stationary for a moment, and after a while he inserts the second one and turns it energetically, allowing the door to be opened without a key.

You can solve this in an easy way.

After locking the door from the inside, remove the key and store it in a safe place. Such a place is, for example, in a drawer or cabinet near the door, where you will be able to find it quickly when you leave the house.

In addition, it is recommended that your door be fitted with a safety lock lock. Stay safe!

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