
Oscars 2019: 12 fantastic films of 2018 that deserve an Oscar

On January 22, we will find out who the nominees are for the prestigious golden statues, and the 2019 Oscars will be presented on February 24. Bohemian Rhapsody, Zvezda je rojena, Black Panther, Blackkklansman are the most talked about movies of 2018 and you are undoubtedly no stranger to them. But in the last year, other excellent films came to cinemas around the world, which were well received by theatergoers and critics alike. Here are 12 fantastic films of 2018 that deserve an Oscar.

Which films should be nominated for prestigious film awards Oscars 2019?

Vox Lux (2018)

The main character is the world-famous singer Celeste, who suffers from many psychological traumas. When she was still a schoolgirl, she barely survived a school shooting. Natalie Portman undoubtedly deserves an Oscar for her performance.

Ben is Back (2018)

Ben is a difficult boy. On Christmas Eve, he escapes from the rehab center and returns to his loving mother, who is frankly fed up with his tricks. He welcomes his son with open arms, but soon begins to realize that Ben has not changed and that he can only expect trouble. How far will this strong woman go to save her son? Julia Roberts and Lucas Hedges make for great drama.

Eighth Grade (2018)

The honest and modern film tells the story of Kayla growing up, now in the 8th grade. This introverted teenager begins by vlogging about her confidence and self-love, and faces her fears and insecurities. This movie has a good chance of being nominated for Best Original Screenplay at the Oscars.

Destroyer (2018)

Erin used to be an undercover cop. On a difficult mission, she fell in love with her roommate, but the mission failed and ended in tragedy. Erin finds the strength to take revenge and nothing can stop her. Nicole Kidman completely changed her look for this role, and she should have been nominated in the Best Actress category.

Beautiful Boy (2018)

David can't understand why his loving son turned from a kind, smart boy into a desperate addict. The boy grew up in a loving family that never had financial problems, and he was also successful in school. What did the ghosts miss, why did the son go the wrong way? Both Steve Carell and Timothée Chamalet are likely to be nominated for Oscars.

Can you ever forgive me? (Can You Ever Forgive Me?, 2018)

The comedy drama, starring Melissa McCarthy, is based on true events and tells the story of a writer who fakes letters from celebrities in order to solve her financial problems. The film is distinguished by lively dialogue, an interesting story and its characters - especially the main character, played by Melissa, who until now has been mostly used in comedies. Many critics are of the opinion that the actress should have won an Oscar for this role.

The Mule (2018)

88-year-old Earl does not get along with his wife or children, and his business is on the verge of collapse. He is offered the job of a 'mule', someone who will transport cargo from one place to another. Earl soon realizes that he is transporting drugs, and the police suspect that there is something wrong with the behavior of this reclusive old man. It is a wonderful work by Clint Eastwood, who plays the main role and also signs under the direction.

If Beale Streets Could Talk (2018)

The film tells the story of a young woman who is expecting a child with her fiance. But their happiness is threatened when her fiancé is accused of rape. Tish, the main character, does not believe that her partner is guilty and tries to prove his innocence. It is a penetrating drama about racism, which is signed by Barry Jenkins, the director of the Oscar-winning drama Moonlight (Moonlight, 2016). Regina King, who portrays Tisha's mother, Sharon Rivers, won a Golden Globe for her supporting role in the film.

The Miseducation of Cameron Post (2018)

Teenager Cameron is forced by her conservative aunt and uncle to attend a gay conversion therapy center when they discover she is in a relationship with her classmate. This unusual, tender and profound film shows the path of self-acceptance. It deserves to be nominated in the Best Adapted Screenplay category.

Widows (2018)

Four happily married women become widows overnight: their husbands die during a robbery attempt. Now wives must bear responsibility for the actions of their husbands. The crime drama stars Viola Davis, Michelle Rodriguez and Elizabeth Debicki. Maybe there are nominations for best director and best actress.

Roma (2018)

The black and white film tells the story of a Mexican family. The story is told by their maid, and the depiction of their life has important historical events in the background. The film is expected to be nominated in the Best Director category. At the 2019 Golden Globe Awards, Roma won 2 awards, namely for Best Foreign Language Film and Alfonso Cuarón for Director.

First Reformed (2017)

Priest Ernst Toller is going through a dark period in his life: he divorced his wife and his son died in Iraq. Toller faces further trials when his parishioner asks him to speak to her husband. After the conversation, the husband commits suicide, which makes Toller feel guilty.

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