
Harry Potter fans will never look at Hogwarts the same way again

Most Harry Potter fans would give their left arm to spend a night at Hogwarts - but they might think twice now.

According to a recent information leaked from the company Pottermore, which you own JK Rowling, Hogwarts didn't always have plumbing, which is why they are wizards and witches defecated on the spot, directly on the floor, and then 'erased' it with a spell.

This disgusting tidbit originally appeared in 2012, in a post titled Chamber of Secrets, where writer JK Rowling explained: “When it was created, the Chamber of Secrets could be accessed through hidden doors and through a series of magical tunnels. But when in the 18th century the voodoo was perfected on Bradvičarka (this is a rare case of wizards copying Bunkeljne, until then they simply did the need where they were and then 'destroyed' the evidence), entering the Hall of Secrets was endangered, as it was located in the place where the sanitary facilities were planned. The presence of a disciple named Marvolo Gaunt - a direct descendant of Spolzogad and predecessor of Mrlakenstein - explains how a simple secret door was protected so that those who knew could still access the Chamber of Secrets, even though a new water main had been erected above it. system.”

Chamber of Secrets
Chamber of Secrets

Now that it is Pottermore announced this disgusting fact loud and clear, it is caught the attention of fans who are horrified. People also began to wonder what exactly this meant for the Potterverse. Is that why the disciples wear long coats? What if they failed to perform the spell that removed the poo? And what exactly did this spell contain? Where did it all go? One of the users paid special attention to the last question. "Isn't there a passage in Deathly Hallows where Hermione explains about the laws of transmutation and says that you can't make things out of nothing and that you can't actually banish something into non-existence? It has to go somewhere." Maybe to the Spolzogada common room?

Students wear long coats, perhaps because it is easier to hide the fact that they are defecating?
Students wear long coats, perhaps because it is easier to hide the fact that they are defecating?

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