Roadster, originally coined to describe a horse specially chosen for fast journeys between two places, is now synonymous with two-seater convertibles that offer unparalleled freedom and an exquisite driving experience. Over the years, roadsters have come in all shapes and sizes, from compact and easy-to-drive to large and luxurious. Now, Rolls-Royce has introduced another beautiful addition that looks set to go down in the annals of history as one of the Greats.
The flood of cameras in the segment up to €1,000 offers a multitude of options to the average demanding hobbyist photographer or videographer. But there are rarely products in this segment that reach much higher with their features and behave like professional equipment, which can easily replace several times more expensive video and photo capture devices. I've been testing the Fujifilm X-T30 for the past five months and found that it's basically everything I need. A real little Swiss army knife. At the same time, it is one of the cameras that looks so unbelievably sexy with its design that it is a pleasure to carry it with you.
August marks half a year since the world became aware of the COVID-19 virus. After all these months and weeks, we realized that we are in a new reality, which will definitely include protective masks. People started looking for masks that are better, more hygienic, reusable and above all comfortable to wear.
The camping experience is mainly influenced by location and weather. Therefore, it makes sense that the use of your camping equipment adapts to these different factors. The Beluga tent is a modular tent that can be set up in six different shapes. Beluga (or parts of it) can be used as a tent, awning tent, tarpaulin, roof as a roof, cocoon-hammock or two separate open hammocks.

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