IKEA is opening in Ljubljana in autumn 2020 and will be one of the most centrally located IKEA stores in the world. The Swedish retail provider of furniture solutions will invest 90 million euros in the construction of its IKEA Ljubljana store and plans to employ up to 300 people.
In the center of Ljubljana, the new vegan restaurant Mandala invites you, which is a real oasis of peace and well-being. In this way, they placed the yantra vastu puruša, which spreads positive energy, and turned the restaurant into a space with seven zones, or seven chakras, where each guest can choose their favorite corner or simply experiment a little.
The kitchen knife was first used by Homo habilis a million years before fire was known as a tool for preparing and sharing food with others. With its primary utility, such a knife still defines the essence of modern man, but it has changed a lot from its stone beginnings to today. It is the prosciutto knife that embodies this ancient essence of a rudimentary knife, when a dried piece of meat is cut and shared with friends.

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