With the aim of offering consumers quick, simple and comprehensible information about the nutritional composition of food, the Institute of Nutrition, the Jožef Stefan Institute and the Consumers' Association of Slovenia have jointly developed the free mobile application Veš Kaj as part of the Innovative Solutions for Informed Decisions program, which is co-financed by the Ministry of Health Ješ, which presents the nutritional profile of the selected food to the consumer in three steps in the colors of a traffic light: CHOOSE - SCAN - CHECK!
Dating apps are quite normal these days. After all, we are a technological society and a lot of our lives are transferred to our phones and television screens. Tinder, Grindr and similar apps make our lives easier to some extent. However, using them can also be a double-edged sword. Read on for the creepy facts about 'dating' apps that no one told you about.

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