We are in an age of extraordinary progress. Every 10 years, due to progress, society changes in the same way that it changed in 100 years. This is also why the world will change fundamentally in the next 10 years. Primarily due to the extraordinary globalization of services, trade and media, but actually mostly due to the emergence of artificial intelligence, which will be integrated into everyday life. It will change the world the way electricity once did. However, some occupations, which could still be naively concluded to be promising, will disappear completely within 10 years. Let's see which professions are the first!
In 2017, 24 percent of actresses had the main role in the film. For comparison: in 2009, there were only 15 percent of such female roles. A positive trend can also be seen in series. Recently, we can witness interesting projects that include smart and interesting female characters. Some of them create a successful career, others find love and their mission, and some discover their hidden talents. All these women are teaching millions of viewers around the world that they must be brave, self-confident and never allow themselves to be just 'support and support'. And these are series for women that undoubtedly inspire.
Ljubljana is richer for a new urban corner, where you can go for top-quality coffee, a delicious cake or your favorite drink. The modern interior, full of details, with retro elements and soft pastels not only provides heavenly pampering for the taste buds, but is also a feast for the eyes.
Sweet Rustica has also become unsweet - it has opened the first pinseria in Slovenia on Trubarjeva in Ljubljana. What is a pinsa anyway? This is a top Italian specialty that has become more and more popular recently, even though it has really old roots. The original recipe for pinso dates back to ancient Rome, when its inhabitants prepared special oval breads from different types of flour as a gift to the gods.

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