It is becoming less and less common to see people with SLR cameras in hand, unless they are professional photographers. The quality of photos taken with mobile phones is clearly sufficient for most people. But the possibilities that DSLRs offer us are still untapped among amateur photographers, and once you know them, it's hard to go back to taking pictures with a mobile phone. How to realize these possibilities?
We fight the battle with an empty smartphone battery almost every day, and our days often gravitate around power outlets. The Crankcase iPhone cases from Ampware put an end to this, as the protective case has a built-in battery and, crucially, allows electricity to be generated by turning the handle. It is a dynamo charger with a mechanism that we have seen so far, e.g. with hand lamps. Get it on Indiegogo.
HTC Tattoo is the first Android mobile phone that can be customized, inside and out. The Sense user interface allows us to create our own mobile experience, its image is left to our taste. We change the appearance of the mobile phone with frames...
The Japanese are proven bacillophobes, i.e. people who are obsessed with germs and dirt. And you've probably heard that dirt, bacteria and even feces live on our smartphones. Among them are coliform bacteria, which are found in feces and can cause gastrointestinal infections. That's why the Japanese company Kyocera developed a smartphone that can be washed at will. Waterproof phones are nothing new in Japan, but until now none could be cleaned really thoroughly, that is, even with soap and a brush. Kyocero Digno Rafre can!
Consumers expect more and more from mobile technology: more responsive digital internals, high-resolution built-in cameras, better and higher-quality screens... The Finnish company Circular Devices Oy, which assembled the PuzzlePhone, responded to consumer criticism. This eco phone can be customized by the user himself, and at the same time it will be quickly repairable and upgradeable.
As if the Google Translate mobile application was not already popular enough, the new version of this mobile software has received additional useful functions and, among other things, now offers translation with the help of a digital camera, which allows you to capture text in an incomprehensible language and, without the need for connection to the World Wide Web, translates in real time.

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