Well, we lived to see him. After languishing and languishing for more than three years, Tesla Motors' newest addition, the Model X, just saw the light of day and cut the umbilical cord with engineers. Well, at least the Signature version. Elon Tusk says that the Model X will be a better crossover, that is, a combination of a sedan and a minivan, like the Model S sedan and the first electric crossover to hit the road. Also Slovenian. Although Tesla was literally "born" with the Model X, it already convinced many customers (he already received over 20,000 orders) who had to pay five (for the standard model) or 40 thousand US dollars (for the Signature model) down payment.
Former Apple CEO John Sculley, among others to blame for Jobs' temporary dismissal, launched a new smartphone brand called Obi Worldphone. In doing so, he teamed up with Robert Brunner, a former protégé of the company from Cupertino. The idea for the new brand was to create phones that do not make compromises and are made in Silicon Valley with the best components, but their price does not exceed 200 US dollars. And so the flagship Android Obi Worldphone SF1 and the more affordable Obi Worldphone SJ1.5 were born.
Most of the most successful businessmen in the world today started their careers at the bottom and had to work hard before climbing so high, and their first jobs were nothing short of glamorous. Therefore, never underestimate such humble beginnings, because even the CEOs of the largest companies in the world started as salesmen, traveling salesmen or earned their first bread in a fast food restaurant, which they later became the head of.
Do you also like to look longingly out of the office window at work and think how much better the day would be if you were somewhere else? In the fresh air, in the comfort of your bed or even in front of the TV? To make the working day go by faster, read some of the instructions we have prepared below...
Let's face it, happiness and work rarely go hand in hand. The results of a 2013 Gallup survey of more than 180 million people even say that only 13 percent of employees are satisfied with their jobs. They also proved to be more motivated, energetic and productive than their unhappy colleagues. The good news of the research is that genetics only affects a measly 5 percent of our job satisfaction, which means that the rest is up to us...
Our body is extraordinary. He works 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, without a break. He has no days off, no weekends, he breathes a little easier only when we sleep. But what actually happens to our body on a daily basis? Huge. And since we like to peek into the lives of others, this time for a change, let's look inside ourselves and take a look at a typical day in the life of our body. We will get an answer and a reason for many feelings that we experience on a daily basis.
For more than 40 years, Parisians had to wait for a new skyscraper, but after 1973, a new one will start to grow. The controversial triangular building Tour Triangle was signed by the Herzog & de Meuron office, which revealed the original plans for it back in 2008. The facility will have 120 hotel rooms, an eminent restaurant, a bar and 70,000 square meters of business space. With a height of 180 meters, it will become the third tallest building in Paris.
National Geographic dedicated a recent episode of the mini-series American Genius to Bill Gates and the late Steve Jobs. Despite the fact that their "children", the brands Microsoft and Apple, do not have much in common at the level of company policy, this does not apply to their "father", who share many characteristics on a personal level. Both were visionaries, both had great ambitions, business acumen, a competitive spirit and a sharp mind. National Geographic therefore prepared a timeline between 1974 and 1999, comparing the ups and downs of the careers of two giants who changed the world forever.
When we like robots that help us with many daily tasks and take on more and more tasks - which is otherwise great, because they make our work easier and save time - we fail to recognize that there is an "evil" plan behind this benevolence. So don't be surprised if one day you wake up and find a robot at your workplace. Check the probability that your job will be taken over by a robot in the future.
"This is for the crazy, for the special, for those who think differently. Some people see fools, we see geniuses.'' That's one of Steve Jobs' quotes, which we dedicate this time to the special ones among the cars that we found under the category of 'Other Makes' on the eBay website. It's a fascinating mix of exotic cars, cars from obscure brands, and we've picked seven of the most repulsive.

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