There's a good reason why in the midst of our chaotic and frantic lives where we don't even have a minute to spare, we take the time to watch a movie. They offer us a parallel reality in which we lose ourselves for a moment. They give us inspiration, give us something to yearn for, something to strive for, and when we're in a bad mood, they're simply a medium that puts us in a good mood. For those days when you feel like everything is going wrong, let these 25 heartfelt movie quotes remind you that life really is quite simple.
Elon Musk, the father of the electric car brand Tesla, is not nicknamed the Steve Jobs of the automobile for nothing. He proved this once more when he introduced the Tesla Powerwall batteries, which have the ability to store solar energy. These would or will power homes, businesses, maybe even the entire world. By being able to store the energy of solar cells for later use, which until now has been the biggest obstacle in the use of renewable energy sources, they are changing not only the "producer" of electricity, but the very course of history.
Many books for entrepreneurs are packed with advice and hold all the keys to success in the business world. 'Risk', 'a cohesive work team', 'don't be afraid of failure' are platitudes that regularly find their way into such books. Well, books for entrepreneurs that are truly worth reading avoid such hollow phrases and share guidance through instructive anecdotes. We have searched for you the 8 best books for entrepreneurs, written by successful people, with which you will "rule" the world.
Every day we are bombarded with numerous statistics and research results, but we often only grasp the full extent of things when they are presented to us more plastically. With maps, such as we did not meet in geography lessons or geography, spreadsheets and infographics, which illuminate in a unique way what dry statistics tell us, but also hide. We've collected just such, so prepare to be surprised, if not shocked.
Apple introduced the MacBook (2015), their most classic laptop model, which ranks between the MacBook Air and the Macbook Pro. Tim Cook presented it together with other innovations (Apple Watch,...) at yesterday's Spring Forward conference. The successor to Steve Jobs claims to have reinvented the laptop, boasting an enviable 2340 x 1440 Retina display, but it's so thin and light you'll feel like you're opening a magazine rather than a laptop .
The name of cartoonist and writer Talus Taylor is known to very few people, but to everyone who is at least twenty years old, his character Barbapapa and the cartoon of the same name, which was once subscribed to a children's morning program on Slovenian national television, are much more familiar. His wife was also behind the pink character, which was created 45 years ago. He passed quietly, as he had lived, aged 82.
Steve Jobs' quotes will be something that will forever be written next to his name. Jobs would have been 60 on February 24, 2015. Unfortunately, he is no longer with us since October 5, 2011, so the fruits of his work continue to live with us. And not only technological innovations such as the Macintosh, iMac, iPod, iTunes, iPhone and iPad, but also his wisdom, which he regularly shared with the world and which today is packaged in famous quotes (wise thoughts). Steve Jobs was not only full of ideas and visions, he was also full of deep thoughts with which he influenced many lives. We've rounded up some of the best quotes and wise thoughts for you.
In today's times, it seems unheard of to leave your job, even if the salary is so wretched and we are so dissatisfied with it. But that's what we often say to ourselves until retirement. So if you have a dream, don't let your job get in the way. This is probably what the American couple Guillaume Dutilh and Jenna Spesard thought, who quit their jobs and exchanged their settled life for a mobile home with which they travel around the USA.
iMacs with Retina displays with a resolution of 5K are certainly a feast for the eyes and a wet dream of every designer, but despite the appeal of new models, something always pulls us back to the past. In the case of this concept, it was the classic Mac look. This one is already on the dustbin of history, but at least on a conceptual level it announced its return and richer for the "knowledge" of the iMac. Mixing the old with the new is therefore gaining traction in technology as well.
We often have the word vision in our language. People, companies, countries. Vision says a lot. It is what makes the present more bearable, what offers hope, it is a motive. It is a lifeline and also a prediction. And like weather forecasts and meteorologists, visions and visionaries are also fallible. Let's take a look at some bold predictions from the last century that have been or are still waiting for possible realization.
If you believe that you can become a millionaire, you are right. And if you believe that this is not possible, you are also right. The path to money and wealth is simple - but only if you have the right mentality. This is confirmed by all famous millionaires, and we present to you 10 key characteristics of the thinking of the richest people.
As people did once upon a time, now we still create various statues and sculptures of people, our "idols", who have achieved something important in their lives and therefore we want to immortalize them in their most characteristic poses of strength and posture. But everything doesn't always go as you would like, so get ready, because we have prepared for you a selection of the most terrible celebrity statues in the world.

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