Do you have a pile of clothes at home that are in good condition, but you don't wear them anymore (or you never did - ah, girls and our hasty purchases...)? The Tekstilnica project allows you to exchange clothes every last Wednesday of the month, which will allow you to get rid of old pieces and bring home something new or at least something more vintage.
Apple also introduced the Apple Watch yesterday, without the i accessory. And as it looks, even without the dot on the i, because the Apple Watch is just an expensive fashion accessory that can only work in combination with the parent device. So iPhone 5, 5S and 6.
Well, we lived to see him. Apple's event of the year and consequently the iPhone 6. Maybe at 7 p.m. we won't witness the pyrotechnic fireworks like for the New Year, but we will therefore witness the fireworks of the emotions of Apple's followers, who with the countdown are almost at the end. And the fact that the conference will take place at the Flint Center for the Performing Arts, where Steve Jobs introduced Macintosh computers in 1984, only fuels the public's expectations.
The grumpy cat will rightly not be impressed this time. An invention that has more than nine lives comes from Japan. Well, when it seems that it can't get any more bizarre, the Japanese outdo themselves once again. And next on the list of "it's not true but it is" is an eerily realistic robot cat named Yumo Neko Dream Cat Celeb, which a real cat will probably be more than jealous of.
On the last Saturday in August, the 13th Party with a Reason will take place in Ljubljana's Tivoli Park. Umek, one of the best DJs in the world, will traditionally encourage young people to charity. Charitable funds collected at this year's Party with a Reason will be allocated to Employment Clubs, which help young people find work and increase their employability. So don't miss the mega party and take part in a raffle that, with a little luck, can brighten up your summer.
By abandoning its patent policy, electric car manufacturer Tesla Motors will try to de-electrify the patent climate and prevent the progress of electric cars from being held hostage. Is this the beginning of the end of the patent wars? Steve Jobs is probably turning in his grave at this thought, while Nikola Tesla is sleeping a little more peacefully after a long time.
Recently published photos of prototypes and product concepts from the 80s of the last century suggest that Apple has been dreaming about certain devices for quite some time, and then realized them. Among the concepts of that time, we can find phones, tablets and devices for which we still don't have a name today. The collection of images presents an extremely interesting insight into the history of this company, which has always placed great emphasis on the design and functionality of its products.
Meet the new Brother Vellies footwear brand with a touch of African tradition that preserves the spirit and sustainability of the ancestors there. Traditional African footwear inspired designer Aurora James, who combined tradition with fresh functionality and placed herself at the top of high fashion with a modern-traditional design.

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