The next time you think you're too old for something, remember Madonna Buder, the 86-year-old Iron Nun, as she's called, the new face of Nike's ''Unlimited'' (Unlimited Youth) campaign, proving that age is no excuse. At almost ninety, he still competes in the Ironman triathlon, which means that he first swims 3.8 kilometers, then cycles 180 kilometers and then runs another 42 kilometers! It embodies both the slogan of Ironman: Anything is Possible (Everything is possible.) and Nike: Unlimited Youth (Eternal Youth).
Now that the season of fresh tomatoes is at its peak, it's time to eat them to your heart's content. Have you run out of ideas for preparing this delicious fruit? Why not try a simple puff pastry snack that is quite easy to prepare. We have for you a child's easy, but excellent recipe for a juicy snack with tomatoes that is worth remembering!
People are slowly returning from vacations, full of impressions and anecdotes. Although vacation time is supposed to be relaxing, when you are supposed to let yourself be taken care of by others, many hotel guests encounter unpleasant surprises. Many vacationers then shared their frustrations online. Let's take a look at some of the funniest cases where tourism workers have caused gray hair to guests.
Many Olympic facilities, which at the height of their popularity (at the time of the Olympic Games) were an architectural masterpiece, today show a shabby image, which is a far cry from the one of years ago, when people crowded there. After the spotlights receded, they became home to stray dogs and cats and weeds. Many former Olympic venues have been cruelly dealt with by fate, and today you will look for the former glory there in vain. Find out below which are these neglected and abandoned Olympic facilities, which are far from the image of their best years.
Have you heard of office yoga? Given that many people's jobs today look like they spend most of their working time at the computer, and this static position is often taken at home as well, it is good to know yoga exercises that can be performed right in the office or at home. sit down. Office yoga is relaxing, fun and beneficial. That's why we present you 30-second yoga exercises that you can do while sitting at work.
How to change a tire on a car? Although we live in an age of equality, there is still a belief that a woman's place is at home, behind the stove. Two thirds of Slovenians thought so in 2014! That they take care of household chores or home and family, and men for more physically demanding tasks, including around the house, for protection and income. But in the era of feminism, many women no longer agree to the traditional social division of roles and break stereotypes one by one. This girl has taken matters into her own hands, too, and now she wants you to too. You can start by knowing how to change a car tire, which is considered a man's job. Otherwise, the easiest thing is to drive the car to the edge and, with a kind expression on your face, catch some macho guy to change it for you. But this is not a woman in the 21st century. A woman of the 21st century puts on gloves, takes a tool, a spare tire and starts to lift the car with a jack. In addition, a tire can burst somewhere behind your back. And then? At that point, you'll need to replace it yourself, and in this post, Brittany Hornick will show you how.
The holidays will be over before you can blink, but that doesn't mean the fun will be over either. The best school bags and backpacks 2016 will definitely brighten up the new school year with their bold designs and colorful patterns. If you are wondering what to invest your money in, we can help you with the list below. The best school bags and backpacks 2016 will impress both sporty types and neat young ladies.
The Olympic spectacle begins today with the parade of the national teams, which has become a kind of fashion show, where the athletes show off their new Olympic outfits. The Olympic Committee of Slovenia entrusted the task of designing the Olympic collection to Sandi Murovec, who has already signed the last two collections, and many countries in the past entrusted the task of designing the Olympic collection to renowned fashion designers. Let's take a look at their creations.

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