The designer and illustrator Philip Tseng drew food with human characteristics and showed them in pairs as a kind of lovers, as a dream couple born for each other or as best friends. These are the combinations that our taste buds like the most. Strawberries and chocolate, grapes and cheese... There are quite a few foods that go perfectly together, and Tseng shows it in a very endearing way.
This time, our most famous philosopher Slavoj Žižek spoke about lighter and more human topics, as he gave his opinion on online dating, human (im)perfection and self-control. He expressed his disapproval of people striving for perfection when creating their online profiles, as he believes that love is not about considering someone perfect, but loving them for their "flaws".
Running training is one of the healthiest forms of recreation that relaxes, raises self-confidence, strengthens the immune system and the quality of our daily life. That is why it is important to bring jogging closer to the widest possible population of people, of course in a friendly and interesting way for people. So how do you start running, enjoy it and where to find interesting exercises?
Just as a beautiful dress deserves a hanger and a place in the wardrobe, so a bicycle deserves more than a place in a bike shed or garage, if only it means something to you. Even if you don't know where to park it, the solution in the apartment is an excellent solution. Especially if you decide on fashionable Vadolibero bicycle furniture, which does more than just store your bicycle. It is a multi-purpose piece of furniture where you can also store all bicycle-related accessories.
When camping, finding a flat surface is usually the hardest part. There are stones, roots, uneven terrain on the way... Sometimes it is therefore a special challenge to just set up a chair and sit as decently as possible. But now this problem will no longer exist, as My Seat by LC Sistem has appeared on Kickstarter, an innovative Slovenian camping chair that allows you to sit upright on almost any surface - on sand, mud, rocks, slopes where there is not a centimeter of flat surface, …
Cheap wine is not necessarily bad wine. And although this may seem like a heretical thought to die-hard wine lovers, it is the truth that Vox has proven with his experiment. In it, they decided to check if there really is such a quality gap between expensive and cheap wines. The test was carried out on three bottles of wine from the same grape, but at different prices. Contrary to expectations, cheap wine performed better than expensive wine.

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