Citroën is continuing the offensive of separating the DS brand from its parent company, where the prestigious brand will come to life in Europe as well. Accordingly, they have now renovated the flagship - the DS5 model. Taje lost all the inscriptions of the parent brand, which were replaced by inscriptions of the DS brand. The renovation is of a milder nature and includes the appearance of the lights and engine mask, there is also a bit more advanced technology.
On the day before Ash Wednesday, when we celebrate Shrove Tuesday and bake mice, donuts and flancates, pancakes are baked in other parts of the world. February 17th is World Pancake Day.
Microsoft continues to push the boundaries with its Lumia smartphones, but not so much in terms of user experience and technology itself, but rather the price, which continues to slide down. Which is clearly encouraging news, as the Lumia, with the working name of RM-1099, should be available for less than 60 euros. Obviously, you won't get a Fittipaldi for this, but it will satisfy all those users who still use smartphones "on a whim" or who are not too demanding.
All over the world, we celebrate the departure of winter and the arrival of spring with different customs. In Russia, for this purpose, they celebrate the Maslenitsa holiday, which lasts for a whole week, this year from February 16 to 22. The unknown Russian carnival, along with other Russian jokes and customs, is brought to us in an interesting way by a book from the collection Tales of Russian Life by Linguarus Publishing House, which, in addition to the cultural background, is also aimed at learning the Russian language, as it is written in both Slovenian and Russian.
Soccer player Zlatan Ibrahimović considers himself God, at least that's what he once said himself. Yes, the Swedish virtuoso with the ball has no hair on his tongue and is therefore a regular guest of the press not only for his antics on the football pitch, but also for his sarcastic statements and actions off the pitch. And while the world is talking about 50 shades of gray, Ibra, who as the Almighty does not like the situation, took matters into his own hands and shifted the debate to the shades that really count, on 50 temporary tattoos, the names of starving people, symbolizing 805 million hungry people around the world.
Boston Dynamics, a company owned by Google, has introduced a four-legged robot called Spot. It is the latest marvel of robotic technology, with the most sophisticated autonomous walking to date. Thanks go mainly to advanced sensors, excellent software and artificial intelligence, which is reflected in the incredible adaptability of the Spot, for which neither stairs, nor icy floors, nor slopes strewn with stones are a problem. But he also takes the kick stoically.
The most unique and unusual festivals around the world prove that there are a lot of fun and crazy people in the world who love festivals and holidays, when they can at least for a day give themselves up to the pulse of the crowd, forget all their worries and throw a handful of colorful dust in the air, jump over a few babies and with a terrifying mask they drive away winter or the devil.
The Snolo Scion is a sled for adults. Leave the snowboards and classic sleds to the kids. It is quite enough for them to go down the hill. Snolo Scion turns sledding into a wild ride, where adrenaline spurts to all ends, just like snow under a sled. How could you not, when they were inspired by motorcycles and Formula 1. They are currently on Kicstarter, so if they are successful, you will be able to try them next winter.
This year, the prestigious Oscar film awards will be presented on the night of Sunday, February 22, to Monday, February 23. This year, the Oscars will be hosted for the first time by actor Neil Patrick Harris, better known to viewers for his role as Barney Stinson in the series How I Met Your Mother. Film buffs, don't worry. The 2015 Oscars will be broadcast live on Planet TV or via "live stream" on the official website.

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