When you look at a parked mini, you somehow expect that there is a powerful gasoline engine under the hood and not some diesel three-cylinder mill, as was the case with the test Mini cooper D. This one brings many innovations and exemplary economy for the brand and model, but above all, the most important thing, with it, the mini is what it always (was) ... a Mini. Read below how it fared in our test.
Faces hidden in everyday objects are not at all a rare phenomenon, because as you will see below, they lurk at almost every turn. This psychological phenomenon even has its own scientific name, pareidolia, and roughly means the ability of the brain to recognize familiar patterns and shapes in random lenses, in our case, faces.
When we decide to camp in a tent, it is good to take care of our safety. No one likes to be surprised by bad weather, cold in the middle of the night, and no one likes to have access to a horde of bugs. In order to prepare for all extreme weather conditions and situations, we have made a selection of the best tents in which we will be warm, but above all dry and safe. So the best tents are the ones that provide you with the best safety and protection.
There are quite a few events around the world that are worth visiting in 2015. And if your calendar is not quite full for this year, we suggest you take a look at the most interesting world events that the world will host in 2015 and that are worth both your time and money. There will be something for everyone.
He is not above taking a nap on a comfortable and soft pillow. But when we realize this, it is no longer a "mandatory" part of the day, as it was in kindergartens, when we defended it with all our claws, but a luxury that we can rarely afford. But when you do, it's worth as much as a morning cup of coffee. And if a pillow can be special and unique, why not a pillow. You will surely fall asleep faster on such a pillow and "work" more quality "zzz-minutes".
The Hello Touch X sex toy is the best and kinkiest couple toy ever invented. At Jimmyjane, they have upgraded their Hello Touch sex toy and made it even more powerful and interesting. Via the interfaces, they added a few more electric shocks to the fingertips with Pleasure Pods, which, don't worry, are completely safe.
Why zebras have stripes or stripes seems like a peripheral question, but it has puzzled scientists since 1817. It even puzzled Darwin. And even today there is no exact answer. Or is it? There are many theories circulating, but the freshest and most plausible so far is that they use black and white stripes, which they can change, to regulate their body temperature, which is also confirmed by the latest study of the Royal Society Open Science magazine. In warmer regions, they have more of them.
Living expenses such as food, rent, transportation, bills, etc. many have already been sent to another country. It just so happens that the cost of living shapes our lives to a large extent, because money doesn't grow on trees. Numbe collected the data, and Movehub.com packaged the statistics for us in an infographic that reveals which countries have the most expensive and cheapest countries to live in. What are the costs of living in 2015 and where is Slovenia?

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