The snooze function is one of those functions that we use quite often on our mobile phones. It rarely happens that we do not tap snooze at least once when the alarm is activated. In fact, the satisfaction of killing an alarm clock like this is equal to the satisfaction of getting rid of a pesky mosquito. We still have a nap on our conscience, but not a mosquito. But with the iCukoo app, you'll get rid of the guilt, ha, you'll even be proud of yourself, because you'll be donating.
Instagram recently blew out the fourth candle, and although it still dwarfs Facebook in terms of user numbers (200 million vs. 1.35 billion), more and more brands are considering it as the best promotional platform in the social network ecosystem. Why? Because it is responsive and because photography is the queen of these types of networks. Let's see which brands rule it?
A certain type of photo is reserved for women only. "Duckface" is a great example, or a flirtatious pose next to a car. If the latter has been with us for a long time, "duck beaks" are the cry of the selfie era. And Instagram and other social networks are full of many such examples of photos dominated by girls. Why? Check it out in the gallery and it will be clear to you right away.
All loyal visitors of the Open Kitchen, who smell the delicious morsels from the popular Ljubljana food market even in the colder months, can from now on prepare the gastronomic discoveries of the Open Kitchen themselves in the shelter of our home. Namely, a collection of recipes of the most celebrated dishes from Pogačarjev trg has been published.
If until the First World War it was completely normal for women not to shave their armpits, legs or anywhere else, today we are horrified even if we notice the growth of some hair on a creature of the female sex. Even celebrities who don't shave their armpits remind us that our condemnation is bordering on the absurd. #longhairdontcare!
As part of the Fairy City, the festive Living Library is also starting in Maribor, which will open its doors on Saturday, December 6. In the Living Library, books speak, thereby broadening readers' horizons and filling them with new life insights.

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