New York - the city that never sleeps. The city, which today is the most densely populated city in the USA, with 8.5 million inhabitants. The city was founded by the Dutch in 1624 and was originally called New Amsterdam. The city, which was even the US capital for a while, today does not even have the status of the capital of the state in which it resides. But why worry when it is the capital of the world.
St. Patrick's Day, which is celebrated every year on March 17, is one of the few foreign holidays with international "validity" that does not have American roots. Well, that's not quite true either, because the first parade on St. Patrick's Day, the saint who combined religion and beer, was held in Boston in 1737, where it was organized by Irish immigrants wearing green. Everything else is history. The celebration quickly became one of Ireland's main export items.
"Rolls-Royce Dawn is the most beautiful Rolls Royce ever" are the words that this famous English car brand put in our mouths from Goodwood. It is the future prestigious and quietest convertible in the world with a canvas roof, with which they are reviving the historic name Dawn. Let's remember. The name appeared for the first and only time with the Silver Dawn convertible, of which only 28 were produced between 1950 and 1954.
While some recharge their batteries by lying on the hot sand and refreshing themselves in the May Day splash, others explore the unlimited dimensions of adrenaline. During the May Day holidays, we can consume it in ways that we could not even imagine.

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