Backpackers continue their march even this year's sunny season. As a nostalgic icon of school days, they experienced a real revival. So we'll be wearing leather classics, floral canvas, tribal scrotums, cute pastels and retro scrotums.
Beautiful photos of reflections, which we can stare at for hours due to their beauty and interesting composition, are quite easy to find, but more difficult to create. After seeing the inspiring examples - stunning landscapes and reflective dew drops, this interesting photography technique is sure to attract attention and make our creative fingers itch.
Summer is just around the corner and with it travel, swimming in the sea, lakes, rivers, night walks, hanging out with friends... Being always ready for all occasions and having an "extra" pair of shoes in your bag is no longer difficult thanks to Sunsmiles sandals.
The days are approaching when we will again be able to hang out with our favorite people in the sunshine and fragrant nature. When spontaneous escapes into easy carelessness will be mandatory. When it smells pleasantly of the sunshine of the grill. And when we will write new unforgettable moments at outdoor parties until the late hours under the starry sky.
When the General Assembly of the United Nations declared March 20 as the International Day of Happiness, it considered happiness and well-being as a universal goal and desire in the lives of all people around the world. On March 20, the International Day of Happiness is celebrated all over the world, this year for the third year. Let's see which destinations still deserve the flattering title of the happiest countries.
We are slowly realizing that we are living in the future. Every day, we are convinced of this by new technologies and inventions that constantly push the limits of human imagination and abilities. Thus, they completely reinvented even the most standard method of visualizing ideas – pencil and paper. Gravity is a tablet that allows you to 3D sketch in the air, i.e. with a technique without a screen. You can draw your idea right in the air above the tablet!
This weekend will undoubtedly suit everyone. If work and studies haven't sucked us too much into our routine, the weather has, which has treated us to a bit of sun. Well, let's not talk about the weather again, the brain is quickly on the pasture, it's Friday and there are active delicacies ahead of us. And where are we going on the 13th weekend in 2014?

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