The capital welcomed the arrival of the new children's center, which also has a socially responsible nature, as it was created with the aim of enabling all young people to spend quality free time for a minimal contribution. It should provide a pleasant environment for children, in which they will develop their abilities and...
Version:1.0 StartHTML:0000000273 EndHTML:0000005252 StartFragment:0000002944 EndFragment:0000005216 SourceURL:file://localhost/Users/helenapeterlin/Desktop/CITY%20ON%20NET/NET%20MAPE%20ZA%20NOVINARJE/CM0611%2018.4.2011/lektorirani%20teksti/L_s_39_Besedilo_otroci.doc Prišel je čas za pomladno obutev za naše ...
Collegiumov prvomajski oddih je kombinacija clubbinga z najbolj vročimi DJ-ji in športno-plesnimi aktivnostmi, kot sta tekmovanje miss wet shirt, boat party … Letos bosta največji zvezdi Collegiumovega Spring Breaka glasbeni dvojec iz Londona The Shapeshifters, znana po hitih, kot so Lola's ...
After tiring shopping or a hard-earned lunch at work, Pavza - a renovated restaurant in hall A of the BTC in Ljubljana - is perfect for relaxing. In addition to excellent coffee, various refreshing non-alcoholic drinks, freshly squeezed orange juice, they also take care of all hungry guests by preparing fresh ...
From April 12 to 17, Diocletian's town will host the Croatia Boat Show (CBS) for the 13th time, an unavoidable event for all those for whom watercraft is the most popular means of travel and sailing is a passion. Year after year, CBS attracts more and more domestic and foreign companies from Southeast Europe, and the fair has landed...
Why is there a mansion next to the river? Why is there a power plant in the manor, next to it is a park and high-rise buildings? The workshop raises questions about how architecture affects the environment, how it shapes space, adds or takes something away from it. Children make a plan or model of their idea of designing a given space. Sunday workshops...
The brands found under the C & A umbrella are leaders in the sale of certified organic cotton products. In 2010, as many as 23 million pieces of clothing made from this biologically produced fabric were sold, which means that as much as ten percent of the entire collection contains products made from organic cotton. Its cultivation does not...
Alexandre Dumas, who knew Marseilles well and set the scene of his most famous novel The Count of Monte Cristo in the city, described it as a place where the whole world was having fun. The Mediterranean port city with a long maritime tradition has become synonymous with the French melting pot with its 26 centuries of history. ...
This spring also brings a bit of nostalgia. Members of the Barbapap family wrapped in colors will mark playful children's days. Today's toddlers generally don't know who the famous colorful pear-shaped family is from the even more famous cartoon that thirty years ago started...
Polzela has prepared a new collection of Fantasy socks for spring and summer, which really encourage fantasy with fine details. Fashionable color shades in black, gray, brown and leather are suitable for all occasions, while prints of flowers, lace, stripes and mesh further focus attention on the seductive legs. Tights, ...

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