Sony Alpha 9 III
Imagine a world where your camera is faster than a New York instant and more stealthy than a cat thief. That's the reality that Sony offers you with the Alpha 9 III - a camera that not only captures the moment, but does so with such finesse that you'd think it had its own superpower. With a nod to photography enthusiasts and a nod to speed records, let's dive into the technological wonderland of Sony's latest wonder.
If you're tired of the usual selfies and don't want to take the risk of a hands-free selfie, you can try a new challenge that's spreading like wildfire on the Internet – the 1 Finger Selfie Challenge. Your task is to a) stand in front of the mirror, point the camera at it and cover both private parts with one finger, i.e. crotch and nipples, and b) take a naked photo. Do you accept the challenge?
It probably goes without saying that the human eye is an amazing organ. It is the second most advanced organ, after the brain! It serves to convert light into nerve impulses and acts as a camera. It is an extremely important sense, as we receive as much as 90 percent of the information from our surroundings with our eyes. Interesting, huh? But we haven't even gotten to the truly amazing facts about the human eye yet! We present to you amazing facts about the human eye.
#combophoto is a project started by Stephen McMennamy. Basically, it is a very simple idea, but with some creativity and no manipulation, it delivers exceptional results. And right here is the genius of McMennamy, who finds scenes with clean backgrounds, so that he can then combine two seemingly unrelated photographs into one meaningful whole. It started with the iPhone, but now the American has already "switched" to a professional camera.
The days are getting longer, the nights are getting shorter. We feel more and more free, we are drawn to the fresh air, to the embrace of nature... Why not capture these magical moments with a great camera? Nikon probably had us in mind when it introduced the new Coolpix P90 model with a resolution of 12.1 megapixels and excellent...
In times of rapid technological progress, we pay too much attention to the most expensive phones offered by manufacturers. Mainly due to the fact that in 2018 phones are becoming more and more interesting, which are more affordable, but have a lot of great features of their "more expensive" brothers. This is also why this time we present to you two stars of the Samsung Galaxy – the Samsung Galaxy A7 and the Samsung Galaxy A9, which deviate from the average.

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