These photos were taken by completely ordinary people with ordinary (nowadays you might even say outdated) photography equipment and the photos were never edited. Therefore, these photos raise even more questions and are even more mysterious. Here are 10 mysterious historical photos that cannot be explained.
A completely new photography battle that began to appear in the summer finally flared up at this year's Photokina 2018. On the world's biggest stage for everyone who still cares about classic photography, Canon and Nikon loudly promote their recently introduced new systems, Sony emphasizes its technological advantages, but there are still new challengers, the most high-profile of them being the twin trio Leica-Sigma- Panasonic. In our opinion, the most interesting camera that you can already hold in your hand is made by Fujifilm.
"Domestic Bliss" is a project by New Yorker Susan Copich, who decided to show the bitter sides of motherhood and the sometimes cramped family life. After realizing that she hasn't been part of a single family photo in all the years, she picked up the camera and took family photos - in a darker version.
Do you also agree that a picnic (along with delicious food, of course) also smells of romance? Perhaps we are already looking for the perfect location to take the chosen one of our heart, which does not involve the hustle and bustle of the city or noisy restaurants. Instead, we prefer to go to a more relaxed and natural environment, where we can calmly observe the world in front of us, talk about our interests and plans, play cards or just watch the sky. So what makes a perfect picnic? Real food, location, nice weather, things to do on a picnic, privacy or peace and quiet? A perfect picnic probably requires a combination of the above, and the right company will make sure that even an unfortunate picnic turns out to be pleasant in the end. Here are ideas for the perfect romantic picnic for two.
Almost everyone likes to surrender to speed. The thought of being faster than anyone or anything in the world has inspired man: everything from countless movie races to the use of technology to achieve goals. This time we have compiled a list of the fastest in the world, everything from a car, train and computer to the fastest growing organism in the world.
Chances are your next smartphone will be Chinese. Below we will give you quite a few good reasons for this. True, the label "Made in China" has a bad reputation, as it is synonymous with cheap "goods", and if anything, the Chinese have always been competitive on price. But we had to pay a high price for this: poor quality. That is now changing, at least in the realm of smartphones that are spitting against the tide. After years of just copying, they have now turned to innovation, and the result is smartphones that justifiably make the competition's pants shake. The Chinese have started their march into the mobile market and it seems that nothing can stop them, not even the patent offices.

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