The Nexus is dead, long live the Pixel, the first smartphone that Google built itself! Google Pixel and Google Pixel XL are open attacks on Apple's iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus. With phones of the highest price class, separated only by size and battery, Google wants to turn the duel (Samsung : Apple) into a three-way battle, and it is unabashedly calling its new phone the best smartphone in history. Is Google next in line to become obsessed with Apple, or does the Pixel really mean a revolution? Do we have a new king among smartphones?
Smartphones have become our life companions, but we change them like shirts. It's a good thing that subscription relationships are not as ultimate as marriage. Or is it? Anyway. Every new iPhone offers something new, better, and the flexible iPhone 6 is no different. He easily became the king of the sales charts and Santa Claus has a long list of new owners. There is also a long list of all the tricks it offers that you should know.
"Lepa Vida stood by the sea, there on the shore you were washing diapers..." says a Slovenian folk song, which has been adapted by many Slovenian poets and was also the inspiration for the naming of the Lepa Vida care line with a typical Salina accent.
You've exchanged countless poses, you already have 100 of the same photos on your phone, but the right one is nowhere in sight. Don't worry, you're not the only one struggling with an unruly camera. And, if it's your comfort, it's not just the pose that matters, but also the color of the clothes you're wearing. The camera loves certain colors and simply despises others.
Photographer Paul Maria Schneggenburger has always been fascinated by sleep, the state when the body is inactive and resting, when the senses and the mind are withdrawn so much that the mind does not receive anything. At that time, the Dutchman turns on his camera and, with the help of a long exposure time, photographs people while they sleep, creating the feeling that they are leaving a trace with their unconscious movement. they dance in their sleep.
The scene at the scene of world attractions is identical everywhere. The tourists' cameras are facing the same direction. Well, only British photographer Oliver Curtis's camera, which photographs what's behind our backs, is pointed in the opposite direction, which no one pays too much attention to and which is often unfairly overlooked, even though it captures what gives it all its pulse. Check out Volte-face's interesting photo series.
We all know that technology makes our lives a lot easier - whether we want to admit it or not. This is the reason why technological toys are such an important and effective part of our existence. Everything from tablets and smartwatches, from weird and impressive tech gadgets to super "cool" laptops - a good tech device should look good, and its performance should impress us. And what impressed us the most in 2015? We present to you the best technological gadgets of 2015 as chosen by the editors.

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