Voting for the best teenage band at the NajBend competition, whose purpose is to motivate and promote unestablished high school music groups in Slovenia, ended in mid-May. The visitors' vote combined with the evaluation of the five-member jury is among the 15 registered up-and-coming music groups...
From the time when the first drones appeared (autopilots like ours) to today, when they are ridiculously cheap and buzzing in the air like a spring of bees, a lot has changed. In many countries, they have greatly tightened the legislation regarding their use for commercial purposes. The golden age of photographers mounting compact cameras and taking pictures just about anywhere is sadly over, but Amos Chapple was lucky enough to beat the tougher laws and take photos that would be illegal today.
It's the same with the Nessie monster as it is with UFOs. Most photos of them are blurry, even today, despite the great cameras we have, so they should be taken with a grain of salt. Nevertheless, they diligently feed our imagination about the possibility of the existence of aliens. It is similar to the monster from the Scottish Loch Ness lake, which is otherwise considered a fictional creature and, along with Bigfoot and the Yeti, is one of the most famous enigmas in the field of cryptozoology, that is, the biological science of the existence of animal species that has not yet been proven. But now we may have the first solid proof that Nessie is not a myth. Is this photo proof that Nessie the sea monster really exists?
The Coca-Cola bottle selfie wants to capture a special moment - when you drink Coca-Cola. In the days of analog cameras, we were very selective in our photography and captured only memorable moments. With the advent of digital photography and selfie mania, this has completely changed. Today, the average teenager takes more toilet selfies than Neil Armstrong took on the moon. Let's get back to special moments. Coca-Cola has always played on our emotions and wants us to associate its carbonated drink with beautiful moments in life. Therefore, the idea of a Coca-Cola bottle selfie in the age of Snapchat seems like a completely logical move and not at all surprising.
The modern world requires us to constantly adapt and learn new skills. Now, learning is more accessible than ever thanks to the technology we carry in our pockets. Smartphone Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5 it not only provides opportunities for communication, but is also a great tool for education on the go. Let's find out how this stylish foldable device can enhance your learning experience.

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