The Lego Movie is an original story in 3D computer animation that follows Emmet, a completely average LEGO man who always follows all the rules, but is mistakenly designated as the most unusual person who will be the key to saving the world. He embarks on an epic adventure with a group of strangers to stop an evil tyrant, but of course he is extremely ill-prepared for it.
We're kicking off a week of discovering the world of imaginative interior design from the seven web giants Twitter, Google, Facebook, Instagram, Foursquare, Dropbox and Airbnb. Aiming at the vision of investing in a relaxed working environment for the well-being of their employees, they bring unprecedented inspiration and encouragement to other companies.
The bookcase of DeForest Architects looks like it was taken from a crime scene. Behind the bookshelves hides a whole space that you would never discover if you were to explore this mountain abode yourself. Who would have thought that bookshelves could also be doors?
It is extremely gratifying when creative young creators come together and the results of their artistic endeavors are presented to a wider audience, who sometimes just grab scissors and paper and make something beautiful. We will be able to see how much imagination the new Association of Young Designers and Artists (DOUM) has at their opening party.
Despite the fact that sportsmanship and healthy competition are at the fore at the Olympic Games, the promotion of the country, which sportsmen and women take care of with their results, should not be neglected. Willingly or unwittingly, they also draw attention to themselves through the appearance of the official national team uniforms that Olympians and Paralympians wear at the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic Games, during the competitive part of the Games and in their free time in the Olympic Village.
We're kicking off a week of discovering the world of imaginative interior design from the seven web giants Twitter, Google, Facebook, Instagram, Foursquare, Dropbox and Airbnb. Aiming at the vision of investing in a relaxed working environment for the well-being of their employees, they bring unprecedented inspiration and encouragement to other companies.
We're kicking off a week of discovering the world of imaginative interior design from the seven web giants Twitter, Google, Facebook, Instagram, Foursquare, Dropbox and Airbnb. Aiming at the vision of investing in a relaxed working environment for the well-being of their employees, they bring unprecedented inspiration and encouragement to other companies.

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