Let's start at the end. Awards from the professional public mean the most and are motivation for further work. What are your plans for the future? Prizes are always great. They mean confirmation that you are on the right track and that others have noticed your work. even better
What is design for you and how does it affect your life? Design is generally a broad concept. I myself focused on interior design, which I complement with graphic design. My projects are always designed holistically
Does jewelry, as a bearer of symbolic, aesthetic and material value, deserve a special approach? Definitely. My approach is that I start by designing twenty different rings, from which I then select ten. I'm refining these ten a bit, like that
You joined the TNT events agency one year ago. Did the joy of partying bring you to this place or is it just a coincidence? It's true, I've been with the TNT team since last December after working in public relations for a good decade. When I was separated
You have already done many projects: an ecological exhibition, collaboration on the Lévi Strauss commemorative billboard, book illustration, design of several typefaces, wallpapers, t-shirts... How would you present your work to readers? Luka: We are working on several visions
What do we gain by hiring a personal trainer? For a client who hires me as a personal trainer, I design a customized and professionally managed exercise program, a personal menu and constantly encourage her to lead a healthy lifestyle. Your study journey has begun
Pro-Mak are details, dry and silk flowers, the scent of lavender and delicate vases. When did the idea arise that you would devote yourself completely to interior decoration? Flowers and decoration have always been my love. My home is from a farm, I spent my childhood in
What should the modern James Bond be like as a symbol of the modern man? Tough question. He is supposed to be like modern androgynous Keanu Reeves, who saves the world in The Matrix, or "retro" Josip Broz - Tito, whose women ate zr
You design handbags from waste material created from plasticized advertising banners. Where did the idea come from? On the student exchange in Barcelona, we were returning home from a party in the early hours of the morning. I couldn't get a scholarship
How and when did you come into contact with restaurant restoration and furnishing? I made my first bar at the age of 19, with very little resources. But who would give a mule anything more at this age? I gave the place the name Hawaii Club and the thing came to life and took off
How does Luna's story begin? Groga: The collaboration between Orka and Luks has been going on for several years, when Luks Studio created Orka's overall image. Until the birth of the Moon, there is still part of the story missing. A year and a half ago, Orka took over the company Teol, which was out of order

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