Holidays, New Year and changes are coming. This is also why H&M announces the top collection "Innovation Circular Design Story", which continues to explore the sustainability and circularity of materials and pays tribute to the joy of fashion! This year's collection is festive and extravagant - as fashion should be to draw attention to itself. This is its essence.
Christmas is approaching and many people are already looking forward to preparing Christmas dinner and baking sweets. You can also warm your heart with various types of cocktails and mulled wines. We have prepared a recipe for Christmas gin and tonic, which is distinguished from the ordinary one by the recognizable taste of delicious gingerbread. Since it is completely easy to prepare, we invite you to start it.
Have you ever noticed the tiny numbers printed on your eyeglass frames? Whether you have distance glasses, reading glasses or sunglasses, your glasses are more than just that. It is important that you are familiar with what these numbers on the glasses mean, because they are more important than you think.
One of the most beautiful things is meeting someone who makes your heart skip a beat and imagining what it would be like to be in a relationship with that person. However, before jumping into a relationship, it's always a good idea to think twice and pay close attention to the signs that might indicate that your chosen one is just not the one. Here are 6 types of men to avoid.
We haven't even stepped into December yet, but the festive excitement is already slowly around us. To make the countdown to Christmas even sweeter, Christmas-themed series are sure to get you even more into the festive mood. In this article, we reveal some great Christmas series that you can watch on Netflix.
With the arrival of Christmas, we are always looking for new ideas on how to decorate the house and make the home magical and even more cozy. It is an event where the whole family gathers around the table, and this expectation also leads to the appropriate decoration of the table. This year, the festive table will shine in different themes - from natural, modern, rustic and red tones.

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