
PaperJohn - a green alternative to plastic shopping bags that can be worn as a backpack

PaperJohn kraft paper bag

Although the fight against plastic shopping bags has been going on for a long time, as they represent a major ecological problem, they persist. But they are steadily and slowly being replaced by greener alternatives, especially in the form of reusable bags. One such is PaperJohn, a kraft paper bag that is 100% recyclable and biodegradable. In addition to being ecological, this solves another problem of plastic shopping bags - swallowing in the palm of your hand. Its handles are extended into shoulder straps, so it can also be worn as a backpack.

Bags PaperJohn they are made of kraft paper and weigh everything 120 g/m2 per piece, which is only 30 g/m2 more than conventional plastic shopping bags. On the other hand, they are exactly the same dimensions (320 x 170 x 450 mm).

READ MORE: Made in China project shopping bag

Why should shopping bags be harmful to the environment and unfriendly to the hands, when they can be ecologically oriented and easy to wear.
Why should shopping bags be harmful to the environment and unfriendly to the hands, when they can be ecologically oriented and easy to wear.

Because of their structure, they are able to carry much more weighs less than plastic bags, and at the same time it's good for you foldable shoulder straps you don't always have to put all the burden on your hands. They are suitable for everyone, as the straps develop up to 140 centimeters. Unfortunately, they are not (yet) available for individual sale, as they are being tried at the German store To PaperJohn to be introduced in larger department stores such as an alternative to the existing offer bags.

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