
Participate in the creation of a new ice cream flavor

Ice cream

Ice cream lovers, beware! Have you always wanted to make your own ice cream? Now you have a great opportunity. Participate in the creation of a new ice cream flavor and maybe your combination will be a summer hit.

After a successfully completed project Yogurt shop, in which it is Lidl with customers and Dairy Celeia selected and created a new flavor of yogurt (with chocolate, orange and cinnamon flavors), Lidl is now starting to choose the flavor of ice cream. Choosing new ice cream cone takes place on the website icelandoteka.si.

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Make your own ice cream.
Make your own ice cream.

And what should you do? Create in a few steps in a special application ice cream combination. Among all the proposed combinations, Lidl and the company Incom from Ajdovščina will then create an ice cream cone that will find its way into the summer in Lidl freezers throughout Slovenia. You have time to submit your proposal until March 2, 2017. The expert committee will choose from all proposals 30 of the best, online users will then vote five favorites, which they will also be able to try and vote for in Sladoledoteka.

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