
Pay attention to 5 signs that tell you that the person is not right for you

Photo: Milan Popovic / Unsplash

Are you with someone but feel like you're actually alone? Are you talking to him, but feel like you're talking to yourself?

Do you feel like your partner can't hear you? Has your communication disappeared? You don't want to admit that everything in the relationship is not as it should be. Believe in yourself.

If you're still in doubt, here are five signs that you've become complacent or second fiddle.

A person who always talks only about himself

If you're talking to someone, there should be you and them, two-way communication. They shouldn't be the only ones talking while you barely get a word out. Both should contribute to the conversation, both should be engaged. If they are only with you so they can "hear each other talk", the relationship will never grow. You need someone to ask you questions. Someone who cares about what you have to say and how you feel.


The person who turns every conversation into an opportunity for sex

It's a good feeling that they're attracted to you and that they can't stop thinking about touching you. But if you want a real relationship, you need to have good communication. You need to develop a friendship. If the only thing they want to talk about is how good you look and how they can't wait to have sex again, then it might be more of an affair than a serious relationship.

A person whose mind is elsewhere

A healthy relationship takes two people - and two people to talk to. If they only answer you with one or two words or not at all, you will have a hard time getting to know them. You can't talk to yourself, then it's better to be alone.


A person who repeats himself over and over again

If your conversations always follow the same pattern, always the same questions and conversation - then the relationship is probably not going to work. If you are not comfortable talking to each other and have trouble opening up, the relationship will always remain superficial. You need someone who will tell you the details of their day instead of asking the same basic questions and giving the same basic answers.

A person who demands more from you than they are willing to give

If they ask you a million questions when you're a little late or don't reply to their message right away even though they don't reply for a few days, they're hypocrites.


You don't want to be with someone who expects you to run to them when they call you, even though they aren't ready to do the same themselves. You deserve someone, no double standards.

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