
A personality test that reveals the reason why your relationship will fail

Photo: John Schnobrich/Unsplash

When we break up with someone, we often feel like it's our fault. We could try harder, be more tolerant, more patient... What is the cause? Is it really into us?

Whatever the reason for feeling this way, know that no one is solely responsible for a breakup, there are always two people in a relationship and everyone bears their share of the blame. As they say to tango, it takes two, each contributes something to a good relationship as well as its downfall.

Knowing this is one thing, but it is quite another to believe. Sooner or later, you'll realize that the relationship didn't end because of things you did or didn't do. Look at your past relationship from a distance to assess how you contributed to the breakup so you can see sooner warning signs and tried to adapt in the next relationship.

If you want a little help with that (because it's really hard to be objective about yourself), this personality test will help you figure out which of your personality trait is an occasion and a possible reason for a breakup.

Take a look at the optical illusion image below, pay attention to what first catches your eye, what you see! Then read how what you see reveals what's holding you back from finding love.

1. If you saw the apple first

If you saw the apple first, the personality trait that leads you to break up is your need for solitude. You love your partner and love spending time together, but you need your space. Unfortunately, you're not always good at it. If you don't say what you need, you can't be mad when you don't get it.

Say what the problem is as soon as possible and don't suppress your emotions because you will suddenly explode.

2. If you saw a vase of flowers first

If you saw a vase of flowers, the personality trait that leads you to break up is a passion for perfection. You don't just expect people to be perfect; perfection brings you joy in the smallest details - you see that the table is well set, the clothes in the closets are arranged by color...

Try to find the beauty in the mess because even the most beautiful person is still only a person and can never be perfect.

3. If you saw the face first

If you saw the face first, the personality trait that leads you to break up is your love of connecting with new people. You just can't help it. You have a wandering eye. You don't mean to cheat or fall in love with someone, but, it's something that just happens for you.

Love is a big thing, of course, but true love is built on a foundation of trust. If you don't have that, you don't have anything.

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