
Photoshop celebrates 25 years

Photoshop celebrates 25 years.

Photoshop was already 25 years old on February 19. In its childhood, it was primarily a professional computer program for processing photos and other graphics, but in its teenage years, parallel to the rapid rise of the Internet, it, like many well-intentioned inventions, also fell into the hands of "miscreants" who started it exploited for purposes that changed the world forever. Photo manipulations have become our everyday life and, like a lie repeated long enough, have become accepted as reality.

Photoshop he already blew his own 25. candle. He came to the world February 19, 1990, when it was introduced by Adobe. During this time, he went through many phases of growing up (read 15 major transformations), like all teenagers, and there were also quite a few cosmetic fixes. He became the standard in the photography and photo processing industry, at first only among professional photographers, but later also among ordinary users. Universal use is also reflected in the fact that it is a generic name for all similar graphics programs. So it is Google among graphics programs.

All Photoshop Faces.
All Photoshop Faces.

Otherwise, we can still imagine a world without photoshop? It seems not. At least not, judging by the tumultuous reactions to the last one unretouched photos 2013 Beyoncé for L'Oreal leaked online a few days ago. People are disgusted, but without the magic tricks of Photoshop, she looks like any girl with a little more makeup on. Yes, Photoshop has had a good impact on the perception of beauty and co-created the perfect look. This was clearly not its intention when it was created a quarter of a century back, because in spite of all the world, he mainly gave a lot of good and made it possible to give the imagination a completely free path.

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On the occasion of the venerable jubilee, Adobe prepared a cake instead short video, which shows all the beautiful things Photoshop has created in these two and a half decades.

Photoshop through time.
Photoshop through time.

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