

The Karška house in Ljubljana used to be considered "in Gorica for pizza", but today we also have a rich selection of excellent pizzerias in the capital. great atmosphere and good pizzas can be found in the piazza pizzeria on Parmov Street in Ljubljana. the bar has the image of an old village square, vines, houses and a fountain in the middle of the space...

Basic information
Parmova 51
from Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 11 p.m., on Saturdays from 12 p.m. to 11 p.m., on Sundays and holidays from 12 p.m. to 10 p.m.
(01) 43 63 181

KRASKA HÍŠA IN LJUBLJANA It used to be said "go to Gorica for a pizza", but today we have a rich selection of excellent pizzerias in the capital as well. Great atmosphere and good pizzas can be found in the Piazza pizzeria on Parmova Street in Ljubljana. The restaurant has the appearance of an old village square, vines, houses and a fountain in the middle of the space remind us of old Karst villages. Next to the fountain stands an old ciza, which hides a rich salad bar. In addition to pizza, in Piazza you can also enjoy pasta prepared in several ways. For a quick snack or appetizer, we can treat ourselves to carpaccio on arugula and mozzarella with tomatoes, served with a delicious bun. For lovers of seafood, avocado with shrimps will surely be a treat. We can choose the shape and sauce of the pasta, we also have gnocchi, lasagna and tris. They offer 31 different types of pizza, and the hit of the coming summer will certainly be Piazza del Popolo with fresh tomatoes and basil, Piazza San Domenico with fresh vegetables and, for those who long for sharper tastes, Piazza Napoleone, in which the flavors of spicy salami and hot pepperoni and capers, onions and Trieste sauce. A salad plate with lettuce, arugula, cucumbers, tomatoes, sprouts, peppers, shrimps, grilled chicken, eggs and dressing will be great for ladies and gentlemen and everyone who wants freshness on hot days. You will certainly not be able to miss the delicious panna cotta or melon with Baccardi on sweets. And when you've had your fill, rush into town to do some shopping!

An elephant

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