
Pie shop: traditional American pies are now baked in New Town

Pie shop is a story about getting to know yourself, discovering your own talents and creative entrepreneurship. It is a story that proves that the world broadens our horizons and gives us knowledge and experience. All this is the story of Maja Kumelj from Novi Mesto.

In May, at the age of 26, she flew to New York City, to build a career in the fashion industry. Her goal was to work in the make-up field, which she succeeded in doing. But soon she realized that life in New York is not cheap and, like many residents of this city, she looked for additional employment. That's how she found herself in the world of hospitality, where she found a new passion and thus exchanged make-up and brushes for pots and pans and spatulas and mixers.

After moving from New York to the state of Georgia she encountered a boutique bakery of American pies, in which she also got a job. And that's where the click happened! She felt that this was her dream, so she eagerly absorbed the knowledge, everything from making pies to running a bakery. Culinary interest then took her to New York again, where she opened her own catering company, with which she also took care of the promotion of Slovenian traditional dishes. But after seven years of living in America, her heart began to pull her back to Slovenia. So she returned home, where a new beginning awaited her. After a series of circumstances, one day the dream of baking American pies reawakened in her.

So today you can order her delicious pies at pieshop.si. Oreo pie, strawberry pie, raspberry pie, plum pie, apple pie, nutella pie, coconut pie and many others will surely impress you. And with every pie sold, Maja is one step closer to realizing her dream and one day opening her own boutique American pie bakery - Pie shop.

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